Maximum Range
Total Time
13,923 HRS
Passengers icon
Maximum Speed
Engine Program
Useful Load
Airframe Program

Aircraft Highlights

Gulfstream G-IVSP SN 1264 Private Jet For Sale

Please contact James Perkins with International Aircraft Marketing & Sales for additional information.

Type: Private Jet
YOM: 1995
Total Time: 13,923 HRS
Airframe Program: no
APU: Honeywell GTCP36-100
APU Program: no
Engine: Rolls-Royce TAY MK 611-8
Engine Hours: 16603 | 16611
Engine Program: yes

Avionics Platform: Honeywell

Honeywell 6-Tube 
Honeywell Sperry SPZ-8400 IFCS 
Dual Honeywell FZ-820 
Triple Collins VHF-422B 
Fairchild A100 CVR 
Dual Collins DME-422 
Dual Collins VIR-432 w/FM Immunity 
Dual Honeywell NZ-2010 w/6.1 Software 
Dual Collins HF-9000 w/SELCAL HF 
Dual Collins AA-300 Radar Altimeters 
Fairchild F-1000 FDR 
Sunstrand Mark V EGPWS w/windshear 
Honeywell TCAS-II w/Change 7.1 
Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode S 
Honeywell Primus 870 w/Turbulence Detection 
Honeywell LASEREF 
Allied Signal SATAFIS 
Dual Collins ADF-462

Executive 13 Passenger, Forward 4-Place Club, Mid Cabin 2-Place Club Opposite 3-Place Divan, Aft 4-Place Conference Grouping, Crew Jumpseat, Forward galley, Medium Bird's-Eye Maple Woodwork, Forward & Mid-Cabin Foldout Tables, Aft Hi-Lo Table Opposite Credenza, Airshow 400, Dual DVD Players, 10-Disc CD Player W/Cassette & Tuner, Baker Sound System, Six Rosen 5.6-Inch Swing-Out Monitors, Large Wall-Mounted LCD Monitor Above Aft Credenza, Pop-Out Divan Armrest LCD Monitor, Accordion Window Shades, 115-Volt/60-Hz Outlets, Forward & Aft Lav w/Vanity W/Storage & Aft Baggage Access.

Overall Matterhorn White with Sable Brown Accent Stripes. Gulfstream Maintained Last 15 years!

Rolls Royce Corporate Care Engine Program 
Forward & Aft Lav’s 
Gross weight Increase Mod 
Super Soundproofing 
Airshow 400, Dual DVD players 
45,000ft Ceiling 
Rosen Sunvisors 
Honeywell LSZ-850 Lighting Sensor System 
GAC Emergency Lighting 
115-volt/60-Hz outlets


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