1993 Piper Mirage
Serial Number: 4622137
Registration: N463WB
Aspen EFD 1000 PRO PFD w/Synthetic Vision
Garmin GTN 750 NAV/COMM
Garmin GTN 650 NAV/COMM
Garmin GMA 35 Remote Audio
Garmin GTX 33ES Remote Transponder
Garmin GTX 32 Remote Transponder
Garmin GDL 69A XM Receiver
Honeywell RDR 2000 Color Radar
KFC 150 Three Axis Auto Pilot
EDM 730 Engine Monitor
Peanut Butter Leather Club Seating with Sheepskin Pilot and Co-Pilot Seats
Matterhorn White & Desert Sand Gray with Crisp Apple Red Stripes
Long Range Fuel
Speed Brakes
Tanis Engine Pre-Heater
LED Landing and Wing Tip Stropes
Freon Air Conditioning
Panel Mounted IPAD Dock