Three U.S. Owners Since NewNew Interior Soft GoodsFresh IFA Enrollment 07/2024TBO Extension STCFresh Engine Hot SectionsATG GoGo Wi-Fi
ADF: Collins ADF-462 Autopilot: Collins APS-4000 Communication Radios: Dual Collins VHF-422C w/dual antennas CVR: Fairchild A100 DME: Dual Collins DME-442 EFIS: Collins EFIS-870 3-tube Flight Director: Dual Collins FCC-850B Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000 FMS: Dual Collins AMS-5000 w/GPS-4000 Hi Frequency: Collins HF-9000 Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-432 Radar Altimeter: Collins ALT-55B RMI: Dual Collins SDU-640B TAWS: Honeywell Mark V EGPWS TCAS: Collins TCAS-94 Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D Weather Radar: Collins TWR-850 (4-color) Doppler
Refurbished Soft goods & plating, 08/2024 LED Cabin downwash lights upgrade
Overall Matterhorn White with gray and black accents, recently touched-up
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