Garmin 1000 avionics as per STC SA01535WI-D (Platinum package) Primary Flight Display - Garmin Dual GDU-1040A Multi Function Display - Garmin GDU 150 Auto Pilot - Garmin GFC-7000 ESP - Optional Garmin Electronic Stability Protection Traffic Collision Avoidance System - Garmin GTS-8000 TCAS II Ver 7,1 Communication - Dual Garmin GIA 63W Navigation - Dual Garmin GIA 63W Flight Management System - Garmin GCU-477 FMS Ctrl Weather Radar - Garmin GWX-70 XM Weather - GDL-69A XM Weather / Radio Synthetic Vision - Yes Audio Panel - Dual Garmin GDU-1040A Radar altimeter - Garmin DME, distance measuring system - Garmin Transponders ADSB out - Dual Garmin GTX-3000 ADSB out & in Standby Instrument - Midcontinental MD302 ELT, Emergency locator transmitter - ARTEX C406-2 ELT Flight Data Recorder, FDR - Provisioning for L3 communications F1000 Cockpit Voice Recorder, CVR - L3 CVR A-1000S IR Camera - L3 Communications IRIS System
Cream colored Interior completed by ELLIOTT Aviation 2014 in Excellent Condition with Dual Club seating arrangement and side facing belted toilet seat. Fwd refreshment center , Executive writing tables Total Pax max 9 . Elliott Aviation Sound Management system
Overall White with Metallic Black and Gold accent stripes in good condition . Elliott Aviation 2014
Brake De-ice Lo-Presti Beamlights Winglets Raisbeck Crown Winglockers Raisbeck Aft Dual Strakes ELLIOTT Aviation Sound Management System WAAS / LPV & ADSB out and in
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